Book Preview and Exhibition Opening
Friday/ November 02/ 6:00 - 8:00pm

San Francisco Center for the Book and 2012 Imprint Artist in Residence Paolo Salvagione invite you to the preview of One for Each: a sensory Wunderkammer. This elegant cabinet of curiosities contains five drawers, one for each of the human senses. Each drawer holds a distinct, self-contained object. Paolo Salvagione is striving for the playful manner that, he hopes, is seen as routinely characterizing his work — and if it all works, the senses will mingle in unexpected ways.
The completed One for Each will be a compact set of drawers, a box of English buckram and black leather, nearly 250 cubic inches of sensory activity.
Paolo describes the edition as follows: "Three-dimensional projections emphasize the tactile nature of printed images. Silhouettes of leaves ask you to gauge species by contour, yet the absence of color brings attention to the visual. Talking tapes acknowledge a tangible aspect of sound. A musky, smell-based exploration summons up mental images of physical activity. A unique taste enhancer promises to temporarily bond to your receptors, making all things sour seem sweet — but first your fingers must negotiate the brittle blister pack. And all, in combination and individually, show how our senses can deceive us, and in the process yield something akin to a child’s surprise at the roles these senses play in helping us navigate the world."
SFCB Imprint Publications Artist in Residence: Paolo Salvagione from San Francisco Center for the Boo on Vimeo.
For more information on Paolo Salvagione: