San Francisco Center for the Book’s Bookbinding Core and Secondary Core Certificate Programs are structured to allow for scheduling flexibility and advanced study opportunities while offering students a comprehensive foundation in bookbinding. These Core Certificate programs offer personal attention from master teachers and access to our well-equipped bindery.
Finding details and enrolling in this program is simple:
STEP #1 - Click here to read the Program Guide.
STEP #2 - Review the schedule below.
STEP #3 - To receive the $100 discount either register for a weeklong intensive (rate already discounted) or register for an entire series (1-4) at once via phone (415-565-0545) or in-person - this discount is not available via online registration.
Questions? Contact us at or 415-565-0545.
Bookbinding Core Schedule - Summer 2023 (May-August)
SUMMER 2023 EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: Students who sign up for the full series of Core 1-4 individual workshops by April 15, 2023 will receive a reduced rate of $795. Please call or email to enroll. The Early Bird Special does not apply to the Weeklong Intensive.
BOOKBINDING CORE 1 :: Coptic Binding with Sarah Songer :: Sunday, May 7 :: 9:30am-5:30pm
BOOKBINDING CORE 1 :: Coptic Binding with Nina Eve Zeininger :: Saturday, May 20 :: 9:30am-5:30pm
BOOKBINDING CORE 1 :: Coptic Binding with Nina Eve Zeininger :: Saturday, May 27 :: 9:30am-5:30pm
BOOKBINDING CORE 2 :: Flat-Back Case Binding with Nina Eve Zeininger :: Saturday, June 3 :: 9:30am-5:30pm
BOOKBINDING CORE 2 :: Flat-Back Case Binding with Nina Eve Zeininger :: Sunday, June 11 :: 9:30am-5:30pm
BOOKBINDING CORE 3 :: Limp Paper Binding with Nina Eve Zeininger :: Saturday, June 24 :: 9:30am-5:30pm
BOOKBINDING CORE 4 :: Rounded Back Cloth Binding with Clair Emma Smith :: Saturday & Sunday, July 8 & 9 :: 9:30am-5:30pm
BOOKBINDING CORE 1-4 :: Weeklong Intensive with Juliayn Coleman :: Monday-Friday, June 5-9 :: 9:30am-5:30pm
BOOKBINDING CORE 1-4 :: Weeklong Intensive with Clair Emma Smith :: Monday-Friday, June 12-16 :: 9:30am-5:30pm
Bookbinding Secondary Core Schedule
Secondary Core workshops may have prerequisites; please read the class description for details.
Restoration & Repair
BOOK REPAIR CORE :: Paper & Paste :: Sunday, June 18 :: 9:30am-5:30pm
Box Making
BOX MAKING CORE :: Basic Structures :: Sunday, May 21 :: 9:30am-5:30pm